Merge Duplicate Bills
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    Merge Duplicate Bills

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    Article summary

    In some scenarios, duplicate bills may be uploaded into MakersHub. To avoid having the same bill in your books twice, MakersHub identifies and flags duplicates by checking the invoice number and vendor name against bills that have been processed in MakersHub. MakersHub will flag a duplicate bill in red (shown below).

    Select View ID to verify whether or not it is a duplicate.

    When you select Merge, the copy you are viewing will become the dominant version and remain in your bill/receipt queue, the other copy will be added as a supporting document.

    Cannot Unmerge a Bill

    If you have edited or coded a bill, be sure to click merge on the bill you have made the changes to as once you merge the bills, it cannot be undone.  

    Under Additional Documents you will see, the merged record appear as an attachment.